About the PatEx service...
PatEx, a Patient Experience Management system, builds a continuum of care through satisfaction. Through engagement and empowerment, this service increases satisfaction, improves care plan compliance and connects patients, providers and the healthcare community through Internet/Mobile technology.
The reason for PatEx...
Healthcare providers are tasked with lowering the cost of care with continuous pressure to increase the quality of care they provide. Providers DO NOT have (1) a system to gather real-time patient satisfaction data to improve pay-for-performance goals (2) digital patient engagement and empowerment tools to facilitate after care plan compliance and remote monitoring. Patients DO NOT have (1) an easy to way communicate with providers after care (2) an easy way to privately voice concerns about their provider experience (3) digital engagement reminders and incentives to easily comply with care plan. Payers DO NOT have real-time data and reports from hospitals providing insights and statistics regarding patient satisfaction and after care compliance.
The PatEx solution...
The PatEx solution addresses the problem of deficiencies in after care delivery with emphasis on patient satisfaction. The solution (1) provides a unified, digital platform for communication between hospital, primary care providers and patients (2) improves patient satisfaction by providing real-time data regarding an episode of care, negative experiences and individual patient preferences (3) engages and empowers patients to comply with after care plan and actively remotely manage one’s health.
With regulatory trends such as Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Meaningful Use (MU) initiatives, and Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) along with the popularity and adoption of patient-centered care models and consumer-driven healthcare, the solution maximizes pay-for-performance initiatives for providers while clinically improving satisfaction and outcomes for patients. It provides a clinical after care platform and a continuous patient satisfaction improvement model.